
Friday the 21st of September


7.30-8.00 Registration


8.00-8.30 Welcome and introductory remarks – Cristian Gheorghe, Mircea Diculescu, Adrian Saftoiu, Florentina Ionita-Radu


7th EUS Workshop for Pancreatic Pathology

Chair: Cristian Gheorghe, Adrian Saftoiu, Radu Tutuian


8.30-9.00 Lecture: EUS diagnostic and therapeutic techniques – what are the standards of care in pancreatic diseases in 2018 ? Cristian Gheorghe


9.00-9.40 Live demonstration 1 Peter Vilmann, Erwin Santo, Mariana Jinga


9.40-10.00 Lecture: EUS for differential diagnosis of mucinous vs non-mucinous pancreatic cysts Adrian Saftoiu
10.00-10.40 Live demonstration 2 Erwin Santo, Peter Vilmann, Eugen Dumitru


10.40-11.00 Lecture: Using or not using LAMS for pancreatic pseudocysts Andrada Seicean


11.00-11.30 Coffee break


Chair: Andrada Seicean, Bogdan Mateescu, Erwin Santo


11.30-12.10 Live demonstration 3 Radu Tutuian, Adrian Saftoiu, Lucian Negreanu


12.10-12.40 Lecture: How to explore EUS pancreatic cystic neoplasms in order to choose the best treatment Peter Vilmann


12.40-13.20 Live demonstration 4 Adrian Saftoiu, Mihai Rambas, Mihai Ciocirlan


13.20-13.50 Lecture: EUS-guided ablation for solid pancreatic tumours Erwin Santo


13.50-14.40 Lunch




Chair: Eugen Dumitru, Marcel Tantau, Peter Vilmann


14.40-15.20 Live demonstration 5 Andrada Seicean, Erwin Santo, Cristian Gheorghe
15.20-15.40 Lecture: Difficult biliary catheterisation for stenting in pancreatic cancer – what do you do: EUS or Rx rendez-vous ? Marcel Tantau
15.40-16.00 Lecture:   Is EUS the first choice for idiopathic recurrent acute pancreatitis? Radu Tutuian


16.00- 16.20 Lecture: Percutaneous biopsy of pancreatic masses. Is there still a place for it in the era of EUS guided FNA? Zeno Sparchez


16.20 – 17.00 Mylan Symposium : New evidence in pancreatic exocrine insufficiency – Liana Gheorghe


17.00 Cocktail with faculty


Saturday the 22nd of September

Burning Issues in Pancreatic Diseases


8.00- 8.30 : Registration


8.30- 9.00: What can we learn for clinical practice in 2018 from pancreatic disease epidemiological data? Cristian Gheorghe


Session 1: Chronic pancreatitis

Chair:   Gabriel Constantinescu, Eugen Dumitru, Vasile Drug


9.00-9.20 Early diagnosis in chronic pancreatitis : how to do it and how will it change the management ? Vasile Drug
9.20-9.40 When to refer the chronic pancreatitis patient for genetic tests ? Eugen Dumitru
9.40-10.00 Nutrition in chronic pancreatitis Roxana Vadan
10.00-10.20 Treatment of pain in chronic pancreatitis : the pill, the scope or the knife ? Mihai Ciocirlan


10.20-10.50: Coffee break


Session 2: Pancreatic tumors

Chair: Gabriel Becheanu,Adina Croitoru, Mariana Jinga,


10.50-11.10 Clinical utility for genetic testing in pancreatic adenocarcinoma Razvan Iacob
11.10-11.30 What we expect from the systemic treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in the coming years? Adina Croitoru
11.30-11.50 Pancreatic cysts: many guidelines, one choice, when do you finally choose surgery ? Mariana Jinga
11.50-12.10 Ampullary tumors: choose your best cut Bogdan Mateescu
12.10-12.30 Utility of cross talk between pathologist and clinician for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Gabriel Becheanu



12.30- 13.00 Transition from an open to a minimal invasive pancreatic surgery – Irinel Popescu,Oana Stanciulea



13.00-14.00 :Lunch



Session 3: Acute pancreatitis: Common mistakes and new insights in the management of acute pancreatitis

(post graduate course with voting system)

Chair: Peter Hegyi, Mircea Diculescu, Cristian Gheorghe


14.00- 14.30 Overview Peter Hegyi
14.30-14.45 TBA Alexandra Miko
14.45-15.00 TBA Dalma Dobszai
15.00-15.15 TBA Zsolt SzaKacs
15.15-15.30 TBA Peter Hegyi jr
15.30-15.45 TBA Vasile Balaban
15.45-16.00 TBA Stefania Bunduc
16.00-16.15 TBA Anca Dimitriu
16.15-16.30 Closing remarks Cristian Gheorghe



Session 4: Cytology and histology slide show

Chair:Gabriel Becheanu, Marius Dumitrescu

Case reports : Raluca Costache


17.30 Farewell Cocktail