Registration fees

Early registration (until Aug 15th) Late registration (After Aug 15th, onsite)
Senior Physician 150 RON 300 RON
Resident Doctor 50 RON 150 RON
APPR members Free of charge Free of charge

Registration fee includes: – participation to Bucharest PancreaticFest 2019 (7th Pancreatic Disease Course and 8th EUS Workshop in Pancreatic Diseases) – access to lectures, interactive discussions and live demo sessions – congress bag, final programme – cofee breaks and lunch – certificate of attendance (conference will be credited by the Romanian College of Physicians with CME points)

Payment details

Payment should be made to: Asociația Română pentru Patologia Pancreatică, Soseaua Fundeni nr. 258, Corpul B, camera 7, sector 2, Bucuresti, Cod fiscal: 30545425, IBAN RO73RNCB0074129010940001, deschis la Banca Comercială Română, Sector 3, București – cu mențiunea “taxă PancreaticFest – numele dvs

Registration form

    Nume si prenume/Full Name:

    Spital sau Instituție/Hospital or Institution


    Grad profesional (primar, specialist, rezident)/Degree (senior, resident)




    Codul unic de identificare a medicului/CUIM
    (necesar pentru validarea creditelor la CMR)

    Membru APPR/APPR member


    Data plății/Date of payment

    Acord privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal/Privacy policy descarcă aici/download

    Se trimite semnat și datat sub formă de scan/poză la sau ca atasament la acest formular
    To be signed, dated and send back scanned at or uploaded as attachment to this form