The full programme in PDF can be accessed and downloaded HERE.

The full BPF 2023 leaflet in PDF can be accessed and downloaded HERE.

 Bucharest PancreaticFest 2023

Scientific Coordinator: Cristian Gheorghe

10th Course for Pancreatic Diseases | Course Directors: Cristian Gheorghe, Andrada Seicean

11th EUS Workshop for Pancreatic Pathology | Workshop Directors: Mariana Jinga, Adrian Saftoiu

Friday the 8th of September

8.00-8.15 Welcome and introductory remarks – Cristian Gheorghe, Mircea Diculescu, Andrada Seicean, Florentina Ionita-Radu,

11th EUS Workshop for Pancreatic Pathology

Chair: Cristian Gheorghe, Andrada Seicean, Radu Tutuian

8.15-8.35Lecture: Quality indicators of EUS for  the pancreatic disordersCristian Gheorghe
8.35-9.15Video demonstration 1Peter Vilmann, Erwin Santo,  Mariana Jinga
9.15-9.35Lecture: Pancreatic lesions: is there any role left for FNA in the era of FNB?Radu Tutuianu
9.35-10.15Video demonstration 2Erwin Santo, Peter Vilmann, Mihai Ciocirlan
10.15 -10.35Lecture: Diagnosis EUS for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors ( pNETs)Andrada Seicean

10.35-10.50 Coffee break

10.50- 11.05  Educational session organized by APPR with support from Innergy. Gut microbiota : Its potential roles in pancreatic cancer. Liana Gheorghe

Chair:   Eugen Dumitru, Mihai Ciocirlan, Bogdan Mateescu

11.05-11.45Video demonstration 3Radu Tutuian ,Adrian Saftoiu, Mihai Rimbas
11.45-12.05Lecture: Challenging situations in pancreatic EUS. How to avoid complications and  succeed?  Peter Vilmann
12.05-12.45Video demonstration 4 Erwin Santo, Andrada Seicean, Mariana Jinga
12.45-13.05Lecture: EUS drainage for pancreatic  pseudocyst : LAMS or plastic stents ?  Mihai Ciocirlan

13.05- 13.25  Educational session organized by APPR with support from Viatris : The benefits of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in pancreatic exocrine insufficiency caused by pancreatic cancer Liana Gheorghe

13.25-14.15 Lunch

Chair:   Adrian Saftoiu, Lucian Negreanu, Peter Vilmann 

14.15-14.35Lecture : Obstructive PDAC borderline: how do you choose between plastic and metal stents for biliary drainage  Eugen Dumitru
14.35- 14.55        Lecture :  Shear-wave and EUS strain-elastography for the diagnosis and prognosis of chronic pancreatitis     Adrian Saftoiu      

14.55- 15.15 Educational session organized by APPR with support fromCelltrion : Clinical practice of Adalimumab and Infliximab biosimilars treatment in  adult patients with IBD Cristian Gheorghe

15.15-15.25 Educational session organized by APPR with support from ARENSIA :Status of clinical trials worldwide. Catalina Sarbu

15.25-15.45      Lecture : What does the (cyto)pathologist expect from the endoscopist regarding EUS-tissue sampling  Mona Dumbrava, Gabriel Becheanu    
15.45- 16.05Lecture: Pancreatic cystic lesions- an update  Erwin Santo

16.05 – 16.20 : Take home massages from EUS Course : Andrada Seicean

Saturday the 9th of September

10th  Course for Pancreatic Diseases : From basic science to clinical practice in pancreatology

8.10 -8.15 : Cristian Gheorghe : Introduction

 Session 1: 8.15-10.15 Pancreatic tumors

Chair:  Cristian Gheorghe, Ioana Lupescu, Mariana Jinga

8.15-8.35    Application of AI in pancreatic adenocarcinoma  imaging : literature reviewIoana Lupescu  
8.35-8.55 Liquid biopsy in diagnosis and management of pancreatic adenocarcinoma  Razvan Iacob
8.55- 9.15The role of comprehensive genetic testing in pancreatic adenocarcinomaStefania Bunduc
9.15-9.35Standards for radical operation in pancreatic head cancer.Nicolae Bacalbasa, Traian Dumitrascu, Irinel Popescu
9.35- 9.55Real-life results of palliative chemotherapy in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinomaBianca Varzaru
9.55- 10.15  Therapeutic approach in cystic pancreatic lesionsMariana Jinga, Vasile Balaban  

10.15-10.30 Coffee break

10.30-11.00 State of the Art Lecture :  

Post Discharge Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis Péter Hegyi

Session 2: 11.00 – 13.00 Acute Pancreatitis

Chair:   Andrada Seicean, Gabriel Constantinescu , Bogdan Mateescu

11.00-11.20   Advances in the management of acute pancreatitisEugen Dumitru
11.20-11.40The importance of psychological intervention during hospitalization and after discharge in acute pancreatitisTibor Feher
11.40-12.00Diabetes and post-acute pancreatitisOlga Zahariev
12.00-12.20Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in post-acute necrotic pancreatitis Marina Balaban
12.20-12.40Acute on chronic pancreatitisBálint Erőss 
12.40 -13.00Exploring the link between CT measuring body composition and recurrent acute pancreatitisCristina Patoni

13.00- 13.15 Educational session organized by APPR with support from Janssen:  Optimizing the daily clinical management of patients with IBD . Cristian Gheorghe

13.15 -14.00 Lunch

Session 3: 14.00 – 15.00 Chronic Pancreatitis

Chair:   Simona Dima, Eugen Dumitru , Vasile Drug,

14.00-14.20Pain management in chronic pancreatitisBogdan Mateescu
14.20-14.40 Management of exocrine pancreatic insufficiencyVasile Drug
14.40-15.00Steatosis of the pancreasZeno Sparchez

15.00-15.30  : State of the Art Lecture : Evaluation of patients with acute idiopathic pancreatitis  Robert Hawes

15.30-15.45 Coffee break

Session 4: 15.45 – 18.05  Pancreas involvement in inflammatory bowel disease

Chair:   Cristian Gheorghe, Mircea Diculescu, Lucian Negreanu , Dan Gheonea

15.45-16.15 State of the art lecture: Pancreas & IBD: An overview Cristian Gheorghe

16.15-16.35 IBD epidemiology and extraintestinal manifestationsDan Gheonea
16.35-16.55What can hide acute pancreatitis in a patient with IBDPetruta Filip, Cora Pop
16.55-17.15   Azathioprine-induced acute pancreatitis in a patient IBD: messages for clinical practiceRoxana Saizu, Speranta Iacob
17.15-17.35Treat IBD. Watch globally. Mechanisms and clinical relevance of Azathioprine toxicity in IBDLiana Gheorghe
             17.35-17.55Pancreatic disorders in patients with IBD: report from a tertiary centerMihaela Topala ,Roxana Neamtu,Stefana Dumitrache, Cristian Gheorghe  
17.55-18.05  Take home messagesMircea Diculescu

Session 5 : Cytology and histology slide show

Chair : Marius Dumitrescu , Mona Dumbrava, Raluca Simona Costache, Daniel Vasile Balaban

18.05-18.30 Case reports: Raluca Simona Costache, Daniel Vasile Balaban, Sandica Nicoleta Bucurica, Lucian Eftimie, Cristian Ioan Nedelcu, Mihaita Patrasescu, Iulia Enache, Florina Vasilescu

18.30 Wrap-up